WORKLAB Meeting at the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site
Friday 12th July 2013 (15-17 PM)
Meeting of the European Network of Labour Museums
Room: G F Williams Room, Institute building
WORKLAB – International Association of Labour Museums invites you to the WORKLAB afternoon meeting at the Ironbridge Gorge World Heritage Site (UK) 12 July 2013. The meeting will be organised during international conference called Rust, Regeneration and Romance: Iron and Steel Landscapes and Cultures.
The meeting is open for all Worklab members and everyone else interested in our network. WORKLAB – The International Association of Labour Museums was founded in 1997 and today we have 40 member museums from four continents. Worklab is a network for co-operation, common projects, sharing knowledge, learning and admirable friendship. Our latest EU project, “Work with sounds”, will start this autumn.
Ironbridge meeting is intended to be informal meeting for Worklab museums. It is a great possibility to meet colleagues and share ideas of current situations in labour museums globally. We ask all participating museums beforehand to plan potential projects and exhibition ideas.
Agenda for the Meeting (12th July, 15.00-17.00)
- Welcome, Chair of Worklab Kalle Kallio
- Labour museums today. Introduction of participants and latest news from different museums (no time for powerpoint-presentations)
- Current news of Worklab: Labour and Landscape special issue (International Journal of Heritage Studies) out this summer, Work with Sounds EU project, updated Website, Facebook.
- Discussion of further activities. All participants are welcome to make suggestions of future projects, exhibitions and initiatives!
- Conferences in 2014 and 2015.
- Closing the meeting
The meeting is organised as a part of Rust, Regeneration and Romance conference. All information concerning the whole conference can be found at the conference website.