1 Born in Europe

The project “Born in Europe” set out to follow closely the growth of a European consciousness, revealing the historical dimensions while studying the development of differing and shared cultural identities.


2 ERIH, European Route of Industrial Heritage

ERIH – European Route of Industrial Heritage is a tourism information network of industrial heritage in Europe.


3 IALHI, The International Association of Labour History Institutions

The International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI) brings together archives, libraries, documentation centres, museums and research institutions specializing in the history and theory of the labour movement from all over the world.


4 ICOHTEC, International Committee for the History of Technology

ICOHTEC provides a forum of scholars for the history of technology.


5 ICOM, The International Council of Museums

The International Council of Museums (ICOM) is international organisation representing museums and museum professionals. ICOM Secretariat is situated at UNESCO House, Paris, France.


6 NEMO, Network of European Museum Organisations

NEMO is an independent network of museum associations and similar bodies representing the museum community of Europe.


7 TICCIH, The International Committee for the Consernation of the Industrial Heritage

TICCIH is the international organisation for industrial archaeology and the industrial heritage. Its aim is to study, protect, conserve and explain the remains of industrialisation.