Newsletter 5/2002
This is WORKLAB’s Newsletter No. 5. The year is 2002, the month of editing is October, not May as was promised rather optimistically. The delay is due to heavy workloads and low staffing at The Workers’ Museum in Copenhagen. We regret the inconvenience inflicted on our readers and hope that the authors, who were promised that their articles would be published, will accept our apology. The conference, Migration, Work and Identity, was our principal activity in 2001 and so the papers from the conference are the main feature of the Newsletter. The conference involved all participants of the Migration, Work and Identity group of WORKLAB members. In this Newsletter you will also find reports on the activi-
ties of the various projects which have taken place at the museums participating in the EU-funded project on migration.
The next cooperative project is on its way. An international exhibition on migration, “Crossing Borders”, is being produced in Austria, supervised by the Museum Arbeitswelt in Steyr. The exhibition is going on tour to the various partner museums in 2003-2004 and is subsequently available for any museum that would like to show it.
Last but not least, we refer to the final activity of the Migration, Work and Identity project – an international conference in Terrassa, near Barcelona, in October 2003.
Ole Sohn, Danish Socialist People s Party:Speech of Welcome from “Migration, Work and Identity” Conference 2001
Thomas Faist: International Migration in a Globalizing World
Michael John: “Guest Workers” in Austria 1945 – 2001
Ulf Hedetoft: Migration and Migration Research in Denmark
Mehmet Ümit Necef: Immigration, the National State and the Welfare State
Jette Lykke Jensen: The Trade Unions and Integration
Ann-Belinda Preis: Globalization, Migration and Sustainable Pluralism
Bengii Kocatürk-Schuster – DOMiT: Who is responsible for the migration?
Rainer Ohliger: Towards a European Migration Museum
Deirdre Figueiredo: Locating Histories
Myna Trustram: Minutes – WORKLAB
Myna Trustram: Minutes – Migration, Work and Identity
Peter Ludvigsen: Industrial Heritage around the Baltic Sea
Udo Wiesinger: MIMEX – a new EU project
Alex Werner: London’s Voices
Conference in Barcelona 2-3 October 2003