Meeting Minutes, October 2003
Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya , 2 October 2003
Present: |
Myna Trustram |
Manchester |
Jaume Matamala |
Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya, |
Cath Birchall |
People’s History Museum, Manchester |
Catharine Rew |
People’s History Museum, Manchester |
Nick Mansfield |
People’s History Museum, Manchester |
Anne Lise Walsted |
Arbejdermuseet, Copenhagen |
Peter Ludvigsen |
Arbejdermuseet, Copenhagen |
Morten Bo Almstrup |
Arbejdermuseet, Copenhagen |
Preben Sørensen |
Arbejdermuseet, Copenhagen |
Mikael Parr |
Arbetets Museum, Norköping |
Torsten Nilsson |
Arbetets Museum, Norköping |
Anders Lindh |
Arbetets Museum, Norköping |
Maud Fjellman |
Arbetets Museum, Norköping |
Rita Klages |
Nachbarschaftsmuseum, Berlin |
Elisabeth Tietmeyer |
Museum Europäischer Kulturen, Berlin |
Silke Vorst |
Museumspädagogischer Dienst, Berlin |
Birte Stüve |
Deutsches Technikmuseum, Berlin |
Michael Matthes |
Museumspädagogischer Dienst, Berlin |
Udo Wiesinger |
Museum Arbeitswelt, Steyr |
Michael John |
Museum Artbeitswelt, Steyr |
Jürgen Ellermeyer |
Museum der Arbeit, Hamburg |
Final report to the Commission
Peter needs urgently from all partners:
- Three copies of publicity material: leaflets, videos, CDs etc
- Press clippings
- Visitor figures for your activities
- Photographs of activities (not just exhibitions). Send electronically, not too big.
- Total visitor figures for the three years of the programme.
- Total number of website hits
We won’t get final payment until all this information has been sent.
Agreed we would maintain the website until end of final showing of the exhibition i.e. end of 2004. Keep sending information for the website to TorstenThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it .
Financial report must be sent to the Commission by end December 2003. The written report has the same deadline. Each partner must send their financial report to Morten as soon as possible.
Invoices dated after 31.10.03 will not be accepted and not paid.
Invoices for the transport of the exhibition are needed before the end of October and must be dated before end of October. Steyr and Berlin said it is impossible for them to do this. Agreed they would submit estimates (rather than invoices) and see if the Commission accepts them.
Remember that if you send the exhibition as a part load it can be much cheaper. It’s worthwhile “shopping around” (i.e. get a few estimates). It is also important to organise the transport in good time.
Morten spoke individually with partners about their finances.
Partners will receive their final payments when the Commission pays.
We agreed that Copenhagen would decide in October if there is enough money to produce a separate publication. If there isn’t, the papers from the conference will be printed in the next issue of the Worklab Newsletter, as previous conference papers have been. A newsletter will be printed anyway.
Please send contributions by email along with illustrations.
It was agreed that Mikael Parr will be a new board member.
Partners were asked to consider hosting a Worklab conference, similar to the one held in Hamburg in 1998.
TICCIH (international industrial archaeology organisation) is keen to have a formal connection with Worklab.
Steyr offered to do a small conference for Worklab but does not have the resources to organise a large one to include TICCIH.
It was agreed that we would see if we are successful with an application for another Culture 2000 partnership (see below). If not, we will ask members of Worklab to organise a self-funding conference.
Culture 2000 application
It was agreed that Steyr would lead another application to Culture 2000 for a collaborative project on the theme of industrial work processes – tradition and innovation.
The Commission wants to see “old” and “new” members in the partnership. Needs 6 partners, one being a “new” member. Peter has contacts in Vilnius, Lithuania.
Hamburg, Manchester, Steyr, Norkopping and Copenhagen expressed an interest.
The application must be submitted by 15 November. Earliest work could start is April 2004. Up to 900,000 euros available for 15 projects.
Udo stressed that it will be a lot of work in a short space of time to complete the application. Some of the legal requirements will be different from the previous programme. This project must be different from MWI.
If you have any contacts in the “new” member countries tell Udo as soon as possible. Also, please think of a name for the project.
Udo will send information about the application and ask for information.
Any other business
Nick Mansfield asked Worklab to give a letter of support for its planned developments.
The next Worklab meeting will be in Steyr 2004.