International search for workers’ assembly halls worldwide

The Workers Museum in Copenhagen, Denmark is leading a project to identify all relevant and still existing workers’ assembly halls worldwide. They might be known under other names such as trade union hall, labour union hall, labor temple, labor lyceum, casas del pueblo, gewerkschaftshaus, folkets hus, volkhaus, casa del popolo, maison du peuple, bourse du travail or people’s palace. We are working towards a transnational serial nomination of the gathering places of the labour movement, where the intangible values of community, the struggle for rights and a sense of place is embedded in the material structures. The assembly halls must be characterized by being defined spaces and self-contained, multi-functional instruments of organisation; where the organisation of workers and day-to-day social, educational, cultural and political activities took place. The labour movement was a global cultural phenomenon that manifested differently locally in various countries and it is this diversity that we would like to nominate. With the call for buildings, we hope that people around the world will get in contact with us if they know of a workers’ assembly hall that might be able to take part in the transnational serial nomination for UNESCO or take part in a global network of labour movement monuments.
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Deadline is the 1st of August 2021