Generel Meeting Programme 2007
Copenhagen, 8-10 November 2007
8 November
- 09.00 Meeting place: The Workers’ Museum.
Transfer to The National Museum, department in Brede – by train - 10.00-11.30 The National Museum, Brede (former cotton mill)
Annette Vasström: Presentation of the plant, presentation of the new industrial exhibition project 2009 and guided tour. - 11.30-13.00 WORKLAB Project situation concerning: Flexicurity and new projects for future applications to EU 2007, part 1
General Meeting - 13.00-14.00 Lunch at Brede Spisehus (former canteen for the manual workers and staff)
- 14.00-17.00 International presentation of projects
1. Andy Pearce: Extension of People’s History in Manchester, Planning and problems, United Kingdom
2. Udo Wiesinger: Workingworld-net – A new concept in Museum Arbeitswelt, Steyr, Austria
3. Torsten Nielsson: Industrial Life – A new exhibition in Museum of Work, Norrköping, Sweden
Evening at your own
9 November
- 10.00 Meeting place: The Workers’ Museum
- 10.00-12.00 Kalle Kallio: Perspectives of the Finnish Labour Museums
Birgitte Beck Pristed: Dream Factories – Industry and Modernism – Presentation of the co-operation project between 7 Nordic and Baltic Countries. Travelling exhibition launched at The Workers’ Museum 11 October.
Presentation of the sub terrain extension at The Workers Museum and tour in the exhibition - 12.00-13.00 Lunch at Café & Ølhalle at the museum
- 13.00-14.00 Jacob Bjerring-Hansen: Presentation of the new permanent exhibition at The Workers’ Museum “Industrial Work”
- 14.00-15.00 José Gameiro: Presentation of the next meeting place: PORTIMÃO in Portugal
- 18.00 Buffet at Peter’s house in Charlottenlund
10 November
- 10.00 Meeting place: The Workers’ Museum
- 10.00-12.00 Tour through parts of the workers’ Copenhagen to the city of Frederiksværk in North Zeeland. A town created around the former royal gun foundry and gunpowder factory.
- 12.00-13.00 Lunch in the former gun foundry “Gjethusetâ”
- 13.00-15.00 Frank Allan Rasmussen: Presentation of the Frederiksværk Industrial Museums and guided tour in the industrial townscape.
- 16.00-18.00 A co-operative beer and Project planning 2 at the Workers’ Museum. End of conference
Conference fee: 80 EURO
Hotel: We recommend Hotel CabInn (Close to RE-train and Metro-connection to airport)
Price: 70 EURO per night, incl. breakfast –
Conditions: Participants pay for transport to Denmark. We plan to get transport Saturday, hotel and common meals fully funded.
Peter Ludvigsen, Chairman