General meeting 2000
Minutes of Worklab annual general meeting
12 November 2000
Pump House: People’s History Museum, Manchester, UK
Present: Udo Wiesinger (UW) (Steyr); Torsten Nilsson (TN) (Norkopping); Jurgen Ellermeyer (JE) (Hamburg); Morten Bo Almstrup (MA) (Copenhagen); Peter Ludvigsen (PL) (Copenhagen); Torkil (Copenhagen); Myna Trustram (MT) (Manchester); Rita Klages (RK) (Berlin); Dagmar Neuland-Kitzerow (DN-K) (Berlin)
- PL began the meeting by saying that the importance of Worklab had been proved by the success of the Culture 2000 bid.
- The newsletter will in future be published only on the Worklab website. The papers from the Migration, Work and Identity conference (November 2000) will be published in the newsletter but will be publicly available.
- PL thanked MT and the National Museum of Labour History for organising the conference.
- PL talked through the budget statement for the last financial year.
- MT reported that she had met with Eusebi Casannelles (director of the Museum of Science and Technology in Terrassa and president of TICCHI) with a view to making closer links between the two organisations. PL will pursue the contact and make a formal approach in 2001.
- It was agreed to invite Gerard Corsane from the Department of Museum Studies at the University of Leicester to join the board. It was noted that a person from the Museum of the Working World in Steyr may like to become a board member in 2001.
- The Museum of the Working World in Steyr and the Neighbourhood Museum in Berlin were encouraged to join Worklab.
- The possibility of joining ICOM was discussed. Agreed that we are too small at present and should consider finding another organisation with which to make a joint application.
Myna Trustram.