Exciting new procect!
In the board of WORKLAB we would like to suggest trying the the possibilities for a bigger CULTURE 2007 project about the theme: The FLEXICURITY model as a possibility in the development of the EU-working market – historical and actual (working title). That means we would like to try a repetition of the very succeful WORKLAB cooperation we made i 2001-04 about migration in Europe.A very preliminary proposal is attached this mail and to your information I too attach an artikcle from the Carma institute at Aalborg University in Denmark about this EU-hot topic. We think that the actuality provides us with a good opportunity to get through with our project.Please read both attachments and please react if you are interested in taking part in the development or not. Please answer as soon as posible and the latest BEFORE CHRISTMAS. (To the overseas members:This is for your polite information about the WORKLAB activities).Udo Wiesinger in Steyr and I have considered the big project variety that means 3-5 years. Please look for the application conditions in your own language.
OBS: Does anybody know colleagues in your own institution, in museums, universities, libraries, information centers etc. that might have an interest in this, please contact them, forward this letter or inform me by e.mail.