Call for Papers: Sustainable Citizens and Smart Museums. WORKLAB General Conference 2022 – Prague 22 – 23 August

The call for papers for the 2022 WORKLAB General Conference is now open!
The conference will be conducted as a joint effort between WORKLAB and the ICOM committees CAMOC (International Committee for the Collections and Activities of Museums of Cities) and CIMUSET (International Committee for Museums and Collections of Science and Technology). And it will take place as part of the 26th ICOM General Conference in Prague 20 – 28 August 2022. I hope to see all of you there and to hear lots of exciting and innovative presentations from WORKLAB members.
The theme of the WORKLAB/CIMUSET/CAMOC sessions is “Sustainable Citizens and Smart Museums”. The sessions will explore how museums and citizens can together build a more sustainable society. What kind of activist and democracy building practices can museums adopt to promote social sustainability? What is the role of technology in creating sustainable cities of the future?
The sessions will be held in hybrid format that allows for both face-to-face and online participation. Presentations of 5 minutes (ignite sessions) and 15 minutes (full papers) will be accepted to showcase practical examples or more in-depth studies on the theme.
Please submit your abstract no later than 31 March 2022 by selecting either the CIMUSET or CAMOC option in the online abstract submission portal here:
The registration for the conference is done by the ICOM conference site only. There is plenty of information about all the practicalities.
Please note that early bird registration will close on 1 May. It is possible to participate the ICOM conference for non-members of ICOM as well. An ICOM General Conference is an amazing opportunity to experience the great variety of the museum world. So in addition to the excellent WORKLAB sessions, there will be much to take part in.
The conference website with plenty of information is at We hope that many Worklab museums are able to join us in Prague, present their work (by submitting a paper) and share their ideas between colleagues from like-minded museums! See you in Prague!